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četvrtak, 3. prosinca 2015.

Nim prah u borbi protiv akni i alergija. Neem powder against acne and allergies.

Na slici dolje vidite da sam skoro potrošila teglicu praha od Nima. Pa želim sa vama da podijelim svoje pozitivno iskustvo.
Moja koža je kombinovana, jako osjetljiva, sklona alergijama. Baš u valu crvenila, prištića otišla sam do apoteke i tražila neki sapun, nešto što će mi pomoći.  Apotekarica mi je preporučila navedeni prah i ja sam ga odmah kupila moleći Boga da to nije uzalud bačeni novac.
Već nakon jedne upotrebe osjećala sam da mi je koža jako čista, da diše, postala nježnija na dodir. S vremenom akne i alergije su se smanjile.
Upustvo za upotrebu:
U plastičnu ili staklenu posudicu stavite kašikicu praha. Koristite plastičnu kašikicu jer se prah ne smije miješati sa metalima. Dodajete mlaku vodu dok miješajući ne osjetite da ste dobili finu glatku pastu.
Umijte lice i blago ga posušite- neka bude vlažno. Nanesite glinu tako sto ćete izbjegavati područje oko očiju. Kada ste nanijeli glinu čuvajte tako 30min. Nakon toga kružnim pokretima isperite mlakom vodom.
U trenutku kada isperete lice vam može biti blago crveno. To je sasvim normalno.
Preporučava se korištenje maske 3 dana zaredom. Nakon čega napravite pauzicu.
Više o ovoj čudotvornoj biljci pročitajte ovdje
 Da li ste vi probali ovaj prah? Kakvi su vaši utisci?

In the picture below you can see that I spent almost a whole package of Neem. So I want to share with you my positive experience with Neem.
My skin is mixed, very sensitive, prone to allergies. Just in the  wave of redness, pimples, I went to the pharmacy and asked for some soap, something that will help me. Pharmacist recommended the listed powder and I have immediately bought it praying God that it wasn't wasted money.
After just one use I felt that my skin is very clean, it's b, bereathing, come softer on the touch. Over time, acne and allergies were reduced.
Application Instructions:
The plastic or glass vessel put teaspoon of powder. Use a plastic spoon because the powder must not be mixed with metals. Add warm water, stirring until you feel that you get a nice smooth paste.
Wash your face and gently wipe dry- keep it moist. Apply clay by avoiding the eye area. Once you have applied the clay, keep it about 30 minutes. Then with circular motions, rinse with lukewarm water.
At the moment when you rinse your face may be slightly red. This is quite normal.
It is recommended to use masks three days in a row. After that make a brake.
More about this miraculous plant read here
 Did you try this powder? What are your impressions?

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